«Las gemelas de la calle de Poniente» receives the first Bancaja prize for short movies

The short movie “ Las gemelas de la calle Poniente ” (The twin girls of Poniente Street) by Marc Riba Roque and Anna Solana Santacana, have been awarded the first prize for the VIII Bancaja Prize for Short Movie Projects. The young directors will receive 24,000 euros for the production of the movie project.

Furthermore, Bancaja has awarded four honorary mentions of 6000 euros to Guillermo Rojas Rivadulla for his project “La Patrulla Perdida” (The Lost Patrol); to Avelina Prat Garcia for “Puerta 6 (Door 6); to Faustino Olmos Sanchez for “El Talento Difuso” (The Vague Talent) and to Luisa Crespo Abril for “Menu Equivocado” (Wrong Menu).

A total of 170 projects were presented for the eighth edition of the prize. The plots submitted to the competition are from all over Spain, particularly from the Community of Madrid, Catalonia and Valencia, from where most of the work originated. By sexes, practically half of the movies were presented by women, which goes to show their definite consolidation in their participation in this prize, in fact, in the VI and VII editions there were as many women winners as men.

Additionally, it must be pointed out that both new authors and established ones with outstanding audiovisual careers have taken part. The projects included proposals that counted on cooperation from actors and actresses as well known as Nieve de Medina (leading role in the Goya prize-winning film “Los Lunes al Sol” (Mondays in the Sun), Pepe Viyuela (from the series “Aida”) or Leonor Watling.

The panel of judges was made up of former prize winners, and also professionals related to cinema and television production, whose fields of work cover youth cinema direction and the production of the European Cup Football competition.

With this competition, which for the last two years has become a national event, the banking entity aims at helping young directors with good ideas and low budgets to carry out their work, while at the same time driving a professional career in the world of cinema.

In the eight years of the life of this competition, the Bancaja Short Movie Prize has reached great national prestige and has helped many of the selected projects to achieve numerous prizes at specialist short movie festivals. “What will I wash it with” by Clara Colomer (Honorary Mention at the III Bancaja Short Movie Prize) won a prize at the Berlin 2005 Short Movie Festival. Miguel Albaladejo, now a consolidated director with ten full length feature films, also had the support of the Bancaja Prizes for short movies and “Salvador” by Abdelatif Abdesalam, who won the Bancaja prize two years ago, won the 2008 Goya Prize for the best short fiction movie. Moreover, last year’s winner, Eduardo Chapero Jackson, won the prize for the best European short movie at the 64 Mostra Internacional de Arte Cinematografico of Venice.

Bancaja spends a great deal of effort on initiatives aimed at young people in studies, labour insertion, business creation, development of social action, leisure and sport.


Prensa Fundación Bancaja
96 064 58 40
