«Sorolla. A Vision of Spain» has become the most visited temporary exhibition in Spain

Bancaja has reached the record for attendance with its “Sorolla, Visión de España” (Sorolla, A Vision of Spain), which, after being exhibited in Seville where it was visited by 132,292 people, it has become the most visited temporary exhibition in the history of Spain, with over 585,000 visitors, beating the previous record of the Valezquez exhibition in the Prado Museum in Madrid in 1990.

Throughout the whole exhibition the peak times in terms of number of visitors were Sundays between 11:00 and 13:30 and during the week from Tuesdays to Fridays, the preferred times for the visitors were between 11:00 and 13:30 and between 18:30 and 20:00. The maximum waiting time during the week to see the 14 paintings by Sorolla was one and a half hours, and at the weekends over the last days of the exhibition the waiting time was two hours. The daily average number of visitors rose to 2320 people.

The day when most visitors went to the Sorolla, Visión de España exhibition in Seville, was on June 25th with a total of 3176 visitors between 09:00 and 21:00 hours. This figure was beaten on May 17th with 3708 visitors which was the International Museum Day.

Likewise, the month with most visitors during the time the exhibition was in Seville was the month of May with a total of 62,391 visitors.

The profile of visitors was mainly couples aged from 50 to 55 years old, and in terms of origin there was a wide variation: from foreign visitors, particularly French, Italian and Portuguese, to those from the whole of the Spanish territory.

Since the sample of paintings arrived in Spain, they have generated a great deal of interest which has been kept up during the exhibition in Valencia and over the last few months in Seville. In fact, the sample of paintings has had a social and cultural dynamic effect on Seville. In this sense it is worth mentioning the visits to the exhibition by politicians, Seville culture and society press, among which the following are particularly noteworthy: César Antonio Molina, Minister for Culture; Manuel Chávez, President of the Andalusian Regional Government; Fernando Rodríguez Villalobos, President of the Seville Council; the Duchess of Alba; Carmen Tello; Vicente Sanchis Sanz, Conductor of the Seville Orchestra and the journalist Jesús Quintero.

This week, the 14 paintings that Sorolla painted under commission from the Hispanic Society of New York will be taken to Malaga where they will be exhibited at the Centre for Contemporary Arts of Malaga between July 19th and September 21st. Afterwards, they will be taken for display to Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and before being returned to New York, they will once again be exhibited in Valencia.


Prensa Fundación Bancaja
96 064 58 40
